Monday, January 01, 2007

So We're Told This Is The Golden Age

As you'll recall, I recently posted our fantasy football season recap... but I know you've been wondering about the playoffs, so here's the news:

Well, now that they're over, it's safe to tell you: they're over.

Nancy, sadly, was eliminated in the first round of our NFL.COM playoffs. The only silver lining? She lost to the league leader, who wound up winning the whole shebang the next week.

Meanwhile, in the office Yahoo league? I made it to the championship game, only to lose by 5 points. I blame my loss on Champ Bailey's interception and subsequent return for a touchdown. You can blame it on whatever you like. Bottom line: I finished 2nd overall... my best finish ever, so I can't so much complain... though I doubt that'll stop me.

The countdown to August has begun....

UPDATE: So, the Yahoo league? Every week it'll post stat corrections (if any corrections are to be made), right? Like a tackle that wasn't credited will be credited, or a player's total yards will be adjusted. This happens toward the end of the week; these changes are posted just before the next week's games begin. When I posted this, I'd lost by 5 points. After the weekly stat corrections? I lost by one. Ow.

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