Saturday, April 28, 2007

In The Land Of The Giants

We saw In The Land of Women tonight. Sure we saw it 'cause one of us (Nancy) has a raging crush on Adam Brody, but it turns out it was a pretty good movie... though I still can't figure out why Adam's character was so eager to date the Joker. Seriously, he'll never call, and you can pretty much assume he'll never use a coaster.

While we were buying tickets though, I saw this:

Have y'all seen the new Ocean's Thirteen poster? It's almost exactly the same as the old Ocean's Thirteen poster, except not so red, and much more white. I realized, standing there, that if purchased and spread out on a living room floor, it provides the perfect opportunity to pretend you've been enlarged by radiation and are now rampaging through a posh celebrity casino. When the handsome stars are crushed, move on to seducing their tiny celebrity girlfriends. An issue of Us Magazine works for this part.

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