Monday, April 23, 2007

Bourne To Be Wild

I was surprised by how much I enjoyed the first two Bourne films. I'm no kind of Matt Damon fan (and no, it isn't because I'm petty and jealous of his "Best Screenplay" Oscar! Get off my back!), but damn if those films weren't just a rockin' good time. Well, here's the trailer for the latest (and if the English language tells us anything, likely last) film in the series:

In the new trailer for The Bourne Ultimatum, Matt Damon presents those who stole his past and identity with a final ultimatum: "I, Jason Bourne, will repeatedly kick and punch your henchmen. Then, as I've been known to in previous Bourne outings, I will give you a mocking phone call when I'm right outside your headquarters. You will respond with shock and dismay. If you do not, I will continue to call until you do."

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