Thursday, November 24, 2005

We Are a Nation of Finks

Blame America first? Fuck yeah!

William Burroughs’ mid-80s rant is the same as any other bit of dissatisfaction with America: it is the spark which gets kings in line, makes slavery end, gets women the vote and keeps men in uniform from getting away with their enviable petty abuses of power. America is still a failure in the way it treats a lot of its own, and while it remains a failure you have to whine about it to get anything done, and this is one of the more amusing whines of our time. Without this sort of attitude we’d all be, like, Canadian or something. You don’t really want to put gravy on french fires and give a shit about hockey, do you?

Of course you don’t.

This video takes a while to load... go baste, and come back. It's worth the wait... plus, you know, you really need to baste.

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