Wednesday, August 06, 2008


Here's a tip, kids: when running from a robot, you only have to run faster than your children. Which should be easy because you tied their laces together, right? If you answered, "I would never!", then it's been nice knowing you, but you're robot fodder.

Anyway, there's this robot called Robokiyu (pronounced "Robokillyou"). It's a robot designed to extract the wounded in emergency rescue situations. Well, unsurprisingly, the robot is now going to be used to eat the dead instead of rescue the living. Why? Because everybody the robot came to "rescue", no matter how badly injured, actually tried crawling away from the damn thing. Can you blame them? Absolutely not. Like my grandpa always told me, "I'd rather have all my red run out than let one of them thar robotech sums of bitches nom nom my gray spaghetti. You understand what I'm tellin' ya, boy?" I'd shake my head "no", but he'd keep right on, "Good, now fetch the hootch and I'll tell you about the time I caught your pa humpin' a tractor."

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