Monday, March 26, 2007

And Your Invisible Jet, Too!

I know, I was excited about the prospect of Rachel Bilson donning the spandex and stars too, but it seems that -according to Film Ick- the coveted role of Wonder Woman may have been given to Cobie Smulders.

If she has indeed nailed the role, the actress can look forward to rocketing to stardom in the blockbuster picture, falling from that stardom following the critical lambasting of a film based foolishly on an Amazon goddess with a magical lasso and invisible jet, starring in some low-budget horror films that require modest nudity andor lesbianism, and finishing her career as the perennial star of "take a picture with Wonder Woman," sitting at a broken card table in the corner of the Odd Fellows hall while smiling through the stench of frenzied fanboys at comic conventions. Congratulations, Cobie!

PS: Before you ask, no, I don't know who she is either.

1 comment:

Squish the Klown said...

I hate to plug CBS for anything other than the Letterman show, but dang! How I Met Your Mother is jut too damn funny. And she is kinda cute, too.