Wednesday, May 11, 2005

DC Scab

John Bolton is forty-two kinds of bad news. You don't need me to tell you this.

His nomination for US representative to the UN is deplorable on so many levels -literal and metaphorical- that I won't even begin to go into it here. Read this if you like... and think back on the good ol' days when the US Senate took their Constitutional duty of "advise and consent" seriously while you're at it.

You can call him "resolute" or you can call him "unbending," but here's my call: Johnny? When your wife flees your home in the middle of the night... with your furniture... because she's had enough of being forced to participate in group sex with strangers in swingers' clubs she didn't want to go to in the first place? That's a sign that you just might need to work on your people skills.

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