Monday, March 03, 2008

Don't You...

As anyone born since 1960 (or with the slightest bit of common sense) knows, the '80s teen comedies of John Hughes should be considered untouchable. Sac-rooooo-sanct. Not because they're perfect masterpieces, but because they're generational icons that served a very specific purpose in a very particular time. Screenwriter Lizzy Weiss and McG protege Anna Mastro (McG is a mentor!) apparently lack this common sense, though, and have plans to make an updated version of The Breakfast Club.

Bumped, as it's called, takes the familiar Hughes story, moves it to an airport, kicks up the ages to "twentysomethings", and redefines the mismatched archetypes, giving us "a corporate go-getter", "a musician", and "a flirt" stranded at O'Hare International Airport. At least it's still in Illinois.

Given only three of the five leads, we're left to speculate on what other vague characterizations may be included in this unnecessary update. So I'm thinking they'll be something like this:

"The blogger" - What's hotter and more specific to twentysomethings than blogging? A quiet girl, iPod buds perpetually in-ear, the blogger is often berated by the accusation that "You're going to blog about this, aren't you?" And you know she will!

"The reality show contestant" - Deceptive and back-stabbing, the reality show contestant is willing to do anything he has to for a flight to L.A., the final leg of his televised globetrotting competition, as we learn through his frequent monologues to the camera.

"The Snork" - Further capitalizing on the '80s nostalgia craze, a CGI Snork is also there.

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