Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I Find Your Lack Of Face Disturbing

Just when you'd written off every museum but the Exploratorium as a waste of donations and real estate (why is everything in them so damn old?) we learn that apparently they have Darth Vader's helmet on display in the Star Wars exhibit at the Franklin Institute Science Museum.

I'm glad there are pictures of it because I didn't remember it too well from the movie. Sure I can recall the part in Return of the Jedi when Luke takes it off and all, but I was too enamored with the dried and misshapen rutabaga that was Darth Vader's head to notice anything about the helmet. You remember that head?

It looked awful -- kind of like a conehead, but with serious dents and scars. That shit kept me from sleeping for days. And I still can't eat rutabaga.

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