Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Button, Button

So who wants to go halvsies (or thirdies/fourthies/etc.) with me?

I've always wanted an underground missile base from which I could rule the wor-- I mean, throw wicked rave parties. For rent or lease is the former Larson Air Force Base Complex 1A Titan ICBM Facility in Washington state. Prices start at $495/month for a 1200 sq. ft floor in the equipment terminal building and go up to $1,500/month for an entire missile silo (160' tall, 44' in diameter, 150 ton doors). I'm thinking we'll go for a silo. It also says that they'll remodel to suit, so maybe we can get some work done before moving in.

I'm calling right now to see if any missiles are included, and if so then I'm putting down a security deposit immediately. So anybody who wants to move to Washington state and live in a missile silo with me should let me know right away. It's going to be way fun. And lonely. So bring board games. Winner gets to push the launch button.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At first I thought it said "Lunch Button" which i was all cool about, because I thought Rosie the Robot would come wheeling in with my George-Jetson-Lunch-in-a-pill meal on a platter...but this "launch" button thing is just scary!

You would think they would be a bit more careful who they give launch codes wouldn't you?