Thursday, June 15, 2006

Shorts Stack

So some people have been telling me that my blog's been... weeeeeellllllll, a little Superman-centric of late. They tell me that I might be a little too excited about Superman Returns... that maybe I should tone it down some; not get my hopes up... maybe get back to political diatribes and Sarah Jessica Parker-bashing (those were good times, huh Britney?).

All I can tell you is: 12 days, baby!

That, and that I started reading comic books-well, mauling, truth be told- in 1968. I was two years old. I grew up on Superman comics, and the George Reeves Adventures of Superman repeats on Channel 44, and waited a good 10 years for Superman to hit theaters in 1978. That was a long 10 years my friends. All the bike-riding and four-square games in the world couldn't help make that time pass easily... people say I grew up angst-free? I waited ten years for a Superman movie... Ten. Years. Oh, I had angst.

Well, it's been a long 26 years since Superman II (even I can admit that was the last good Superman film, and I have to say it was a terriffic Superman film, by the way... "I expect better manners from my guests..." and no, I don't count Superman III and Superman IV... actually, I try not to think about them at all), tell you what. That's a lot of pent-up anticipation... and its gotta' vent eventually, and somewhere... and I don't play four-square these days, so get ready for even more Superman blog entries over the next 12 days (12 days!)... who knows? Maybe your childhood dreams will be soaring right alongside of mine... and you just may buy yourself a Kryptonite Ice Slurpee at 7-11 to celebrate!

We have all the makings of a win-win scenario here. You'll see! You'll believe! A man can fly!

1 comment:

eterna1youth said...

I think it's great! I say go for the glory and be as excited as you wanna be!

Superman is who you's what youre made of.

*superman theme plays*

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's...9 more days!