Wednesday, May 24, 2006

You Ain’t Even Tryin', You Better Stop Yer Cryin'

I get the complaints about these reissues of the original trilogy, I do... and I understand that there's no such thing as too much money for George Lucas, honest... but are we Star Wars geeks so accustomed to complaining that we're just sucking the last dregs of joy from the franchise or what? And why do any of us complain about these reissues? It's not as though there's a chance we'd actually not buy one.

Look: those are the covers for the Star Wars reissues, coming this September, and I think they look rad. And come on, Han'll shoot first, Luke won't scream when he throws himself down the Bespin airshaft, and Anakin's apparition will once again be some benign middle-aged college professor.

So you sayers of nay? Drink a tall glass of shut the fuck up and get in touch with that kid who fell in love not just with all things sooty and shiny in a galaxy far, far away that Spring day in '77, but with the movies, alright? It's because of these films you even give a shit about aspect ratios and interpositives, and believe you me the original editions will never, ever measure up to your memories of them, so take 'em smaller and tinnier, and remember how even that was the best thing you'd seen since Steve Austin fought Bigfoot.

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